Wednesday 27 January 2016

Leadership and other reasons for building a witnessing Small Christian Community

The winners with the box of chocolates

“And the First Prize goes to Sector I & II, R K Puram!”  Being the Convener of the Carol Singing Competition amongst Small Christian Communities of St Thomas, R K Puram, New Delhi, it was my duty and privilege to declare the results of a hard fought competition.  We Christians are brought up to be modest and attribute glory, victory, fame, success, etc to others.  However, competition does bring out the best in us.  The leader in each SCC unit is the motivator, the person who builds up excitement and prepares his team or flock for the competition. 

2.       Every year the Christmas seasons ends with the grand fete or Christmas tree programme at the Play-School grounds adjacent to St Thomas Church.  Mr. Thomas Varghese was the General Convener this year with Mr P J Michael (Deputy Convener), Mrs Sushma Kujur, Mr Stephen and Mr Sanjeev forming the core committee.  There were separate Committees for the stalls, Carol Singing Competition, Games, PA & Stage, Environment, Tambola, MCs, Gifts and prizes.  Fr Januario Rebello was the Chief Guest.  The fete/mela was formally inaugurated by Fr Rebello.  There were 3 big stalls (15x15) on the west, 8 small (15x7.5) on the north and 6 small on the east side.   Apart from games stalls we had food stalls giving seek kababs, chole bhature, rolls, kheema parota, kachori sabzi, cup cakes, pork with pav, idli sambar, kabab rolls, tea, coffee, momos, pakoras, cool drinks, water, etc. 
President, SCC Unit Sector I & II, Smt Lalita Baxla

The involvement of the entire Unit
3.      Of late, Sector I & II, R K Puram has been doing exceedingly well.  During the Family Diwas they bagged the First Prize.  They organized the Christmas Carols well in their neighbourhood park.  I was keen to know what clicks with this unit, what’s so special that they excel in all activities.  I decided to visit the leaders and have a talk.  I prepared a long questionnaire to facilitate interaction and not to leave out any important point.  Mr Mukti Prakash has been active in taking photographs and sharing the same.  I have on several occasions used his photos for displaying in the Church.  I called him to fix a meeting for Friday evening (15/1/16) at the church.  He was however unable to spare time as they had a get-together of their SCC unit that evening.  I could not have missed this opportunity and got myself invited.  I reached before the members arrived and hence got the time to enquire about the community, its leadership and the reason for its consistent performance.
Mr. Mukti Prakash                                                                Mr Ajit Dung Dung

4.      Mrs Lalita Baxla is the President of Sector I & II, R K Puram SCC Unit.  Mr Mukti Prakash and Mr. Ajit Dung Dung are the Church Support Fund Collectors of Sector I and II respectively.  Mr. Shanti Prakash is the Vice President.  Mrs Angela and Mr B Antony are the unit leaders.   Although there are different units, its members want to be part of the whole group without any division.  There are several tribal families from different regions and tribes.  There are also Tamil, Telegu and Bengali families in the unit.  Almost all the families are reside in the government flats.  However, there are some Catholic families which are occupying hutments or juggis in the vicinity who are members of this SCC unit. 

5.       There are several reasons for a vibrant Small Christian Community.  Good leadership is a major contributor.  The leader has to be such that every member can relate to him/her.  Every leader has his or her own style of leadership.  We have broadly five leadership styles, namely; (i) Authoritarian (ii) Paternalistic (iii) Democratic, (iv) Laissez-faire and (v) Transactional.  Every leader uses a mix of these.  Depending on one’s style, situation, objective, team, etc, the style of leadership or proportion of the mix of styles would vary.  While the President was more inclined to opt for the Paternalistic style the next level of leaders were more comfortable in the Laissez-faire and Transactional styles.  Under the Laissez-faire the members have complete freedom to make decisions and in Transactional leadership works through a system of rewards to motivate its members. The combination was working very well in this SCC unit.  Church leadership needs to motivate people to come together and witness Christ.  We may be good Christians as individuals and even as a family.  But we also need to be visible as a witnessing community.  We have to be visible as a community which stands out for its values, love, care, understanding, helpfulness, cheerfulness, positivity, showing the presence of the living God.  For all this, we must be able to come together as one family.  All our actions are for the ultimate Glory of God.  That is the litmus test to be applied when we plan each activity for the Community -- would it lead to the Glory of God?

6.      On enquiring about SCC meetings, I was told that the meetings have been erratic but they have Mass once in three months.  We all have seen how the Mass brings the community together.  At Netaji Nagar we experienced that very few families attended SCC meetings but many would  be there for the Mass.  All members of the family also came for Mass whereas only some individuals came for SCC meetings or even for Rosary.  The fundamental requirement is to come together in the presence of the Lord.  It can be Mass, meetings or Rosary.  ‘Wherever two or three are gathered in My name, I am in the their midst’ says the Lord.  Nothing is comparable to the Mass for bringing people together. 

7. The unit won the prize of Rs 2500/ on Family Diwas. They pooled in some more money and all went to Deer Park for a picnic.   I am sure the public in Deer Park would have noticed something different, something good in this group on that day.  On winning this year’s Carol Singing Competition the prize was a box full of 5 Star chocolates.  Unbelievable but true, box was opened on the community celebration day, and I happened to join them.  Fr Suman was given the honour of formally opening the box and distributing the chocolates.  The community organized the get-together to celebrate and thank the Lord.  On that day a child celebrated his birthday with a huge cake, more than 50 loving people around,  and more than 10 mobiles and cameras recording the beautiful moment.  That’s birthday celebration.  Isn’t it more fun like this than with just three people around?    Learning to celebrate each other’s happiness and share sorrows is one objective of the SCC movement.

8.      Here was an SCC unit with several children aged one year to college going kids. Their innocence, trust, love, playfulness, etc add life to SCC units.  Sector I & II remain blessed with the presence of children.  For children what better environment can you give-  memories of growing up among loved ones, away from bad elements, in the presence of the Lord, away from TV, interacting with loving, caring and God fearing people.  This is the experience of a joint family, the experience of growing up with siblings, cousins, near and dear ones.  The Church provides us this atmosphere in today’s chaotic world full of distractions. 

9.      The carol that they sang was ‘Bethlehem ke goshalay may’.  They hoped to win last year when they sang the same song.  They decided to sing the same song again but with more practice.  ‘Practice’, that’s the key word.   Although they modestly said that they could not practice much, the fact that they sang the same song was practice in itself.  Secondly, they sang only one carol.  No gimmicks, no mixing of several carols, no mixing of several languages and yet took the First Prize.  There is a lesson to be learnt here.  We need to focus on the main objective.  The objective and requirement was to present Carols preferably with supporting instruments and large number of people.  Many of us invested our time and effort, precious as they were, on learning new carols, learning new languages, learning how to jump from one rhythm to another, etc.  Sector I & II simply focused on just one carol, one they had sung last year, a melody they all knew.  Allen accompanied on the keyboard and Sunil Ekka played the Guitar.  The carol was well-rehearsed, melodious, sung beautifully, accompanied by the right music and the nativity scene.  They got better score for effectively using the accompanying instruments, for presentation, for the music and audience response. 

Can you see Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus?

10.     Thirteen (13) teams participated in the carol singing competition.  One team was collaboration between Sector 9 and Moti Bagh.  That is a total of 14 SCC units which participated out of 24 SCC units that we have in our Parish.  Some of the SCC units, many of our specialized groups    of the church like Mahila Sangh, STAY, Junior Youth, etc had put up stalls.  All these activities nurture Christian leadership.  As youth animator I tell the youth of the parish and also their parents that those who come forward and take up responsibilities in the church as a youth are the ones who would do well in their interviews, in the group discussions, in their careers and take up more challenging responsibilities in life.  In the house of the Lord you can sharpen your skills of leadership without much worry of ridicule or being hauled up for a mistake or wrong decision.  We need to show the way so that more people are encouraged to come forward and learn the art of good leadership, at no cost.

 "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.  "Go; behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.

Luke 10:2

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