Saturday 20 June 2015

Sr. Shimi Varghese farewell

Father announced during Sunday Mass that Sr Shimi Varghese has been transferred and that she will be  leaving for her next posting the coming Saturday.  Since I had shifted to St Thomas Parish I had been seeing Sister as a permanent face, a picture of confidence and always wearing a warm smile.  The news that she is leaving us must have touched many hearts in this Parish.  How many would really get a chance to thank her, have the time and opportunity to come up and say bye is not known.  The St Thomas Association of Youth however thought of organising a farewell get-to-gather.  It was Akhil who gave the idea but we missed him on the actual day.  We decided to have the informal function on Friday i.e 19th July, 2015.  With no holidays in between the arrangements were discussed over ‘Whatsup’ and SMS.  Someone bought a token parting gift, someone got the cake and someone the cool drinks.  So it was a real team effort.  With so many, whose heart sister had touched around, there were many volunteers. 

After Mass we all descended to the hub or the den of the church, the nerve centre, the control room, the board room, the activity place – it is simply called the basement.  But, everything that happens in the entire parish whether it is the church or the 25 odd SCCs, the feast, the holy week services, Christmas celebrations, passion play, choir, rosary, Legion of Mary, Vincent de Paul, catechism, altar service, etc etc., all get planned in this humble place simply called the basement.  Members of STAY and choir were there to bid farewell.  We had planned a meeting of Laxmibhai Nagar, Sarojini Nagar and Netaji Nagar SCCs with STAY for the 3rd July function for the youth.  So we had leaders of Netaji Nagar Unit also joining.  All were given a chance to share what they feel about sister, about her leaving us.  Surprisingly all mentioned about sisters ready smile.  A smile can do wonders to your day, to your neighbour’s day, so why not.  Many of us are misers when it comes to offering a smile.  Sister has been ever giving and we would miss that bit of rainbow in the church. 

Another quality that got mentioned about was her unique way of reciting the first few words of a hymn during mass.   The recitation made us think of the words, its meaning and then its singing became more meaningful.  This rendered the entire singing a prayerful feel.  It is universal truth that a good choir, its singing, the hymns, the music all add to the solemnity of the celebrations.  It helps the congregation to get involved in the celebrations and leads them to be part of it.  It cuts of the outside world, its worries, distractions and brings the persons in to the church both body and spirit.  Sister’s such initiatives added further to the prayerful atmosphere and all of us acknowledged that sisters way of reciting the words of the hymn was a great help.  She also sang the responses many a times instead of just reading them.  Every individual is expected to join in the response.  Everyone may not sing along with the choir.  But sisters singing solo or leading everyone to sing the response helped in bringing the people together.
Choir of St Thomas Church has a quality, it is hesitant, does not over-ride the Mass.  It does not always sing with full gusto and confidence.  Sr Shimi, if present, the confidence of the choir increases.  When she sang, others joined without any inhibition, without fear or doubt.  She has been the source of several new songs and tunes.  When a person joins with conviction, with confidence, with the purpose to carry through with the work or responsibility, come what may, a leader is born.  Sr Shimi has shown the way.  I am sure that our young generation will follow her example. 
Sister came in 2009 but before that she was a hosteller at Prabatara for more than 4 years.  Then she was working in Bikaji Cama Place.  Her family is at Faridabad and parishioners of Sector 5 Church. She has been posted to a town near kalka, around  25 km away.  It’s an industrial town with very few Christians.  She will be involved in the Non formal education ministry there.  Sister has been and will continue to keep each one of us in her prayers and we also promise to pray for her and her ministry.  May God Bless.

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