Friday 10 July 2015

Feast Day 5th July 2015

St Thomas Feast was celebrated in St Thomas Church, R K Puram, New Delhi on 5th July, 2015.  Fr George Manimala designed a set of posters, one for each day of celebrations.

Youth day mass.  See the beautiful pattern the roof lights have made.  Our church is wonderful.

The day for inter religious.  Visible harmony.  Communion of communities. God's children, brothers and sisters.

Women of St Thomas Church in the entrance procession.  The  Church, the carpet, the sarees, the blouses, the hand held fans - all matching.  

Con-celebrated Mass.

Short cultural programme which included dance by North East Fraternity,

 Skit by St Thomas Association of Youth.  

The school toppers were felicitated and given a memento

Distinguished Parishioner of the Year award given to Dr Daisy Panna (Female) and Mr Rafaiel (Male)

The St Thomas Annual 2015 released

The whole community enjoyed a meal together.  Chicken biryani, vegetable raita, pickle and a banana.  The congregation satisfied both spiritually and physically thanked the Lord and St Thomas.  PRAISE THE LORD MY GOD

Thursday 9 July 2015

Youth day for St Thomas Feast 2015

St Thomas feast falls on 3rd July and this year we at St Thomas R K Puram Parish celebrated the feast on 5th July being Sunday.   Let me borrow from what St Shimi wrote about St Thomas. 
In the Gospel, THOMAS, the apostle DOUBTED that Jesus had RISEN because he did not see nor touch Jesus. 
Do we also doubt JESUS’ LOVE AND CARE for us when we are going through TRIALS that are very TRYING And TRAUMATIC? If we do not RELY ON Jesus, our trials will be overwhelming. 
Let’s pray for the GIFT OF WISDOM of the Spirit.
HAPPY FEAST to ALL... may ST THOMAS intercede for ALL of US.”

We are human and doubt we will, but it’s OK.  I remember Fr Mathew PJ sermon on the day for the Youth.  He said because St Thomas doubted we got further convincing evidence with Jesus proving himself to St Thomas.  It’s OK to doubt but remove it and remove it for others like He (St Thomas) did for us.

As part of the feast celebrations 3rd July was youth day and the over all coordination was the responsibility of STAY members.  It was decided to invite Fr Mathew PJ, Parish Priest of Dharuheda, Haryana (who was earlier in RK Puram as APP), as the main celebrant. He is vibrant and popular with all the parishioners and especially the youth.  We all remember him with fondness.  He is a bundle of enthusiasm, energy and positive conviction.  Fr Mathew very rightly pointed out that the youth of today is saddled with worry and fear.  For success in exam, for a good job, for a good companion.  They don’t have the benefit of support group as the earlier generation had.  

Mr Alexander Daniel, retired IPS officer was the guest speaker for the evening.  The youth of our parish had gathered and organised the short function.  Mr Alexander urged our youth to do well to have any impact, as Christians are a minuscule minority in India.  We have to be known by our righteous living. Sanctified families leading to sanctified religious. In Kerala the proportion of Christians is more and it may be easier to reach out,  to be seen as a community which is different.  In the north where the numbers are less, where you may be just one family in the area, one student in the class or one employee in the whole organisation, it is difficult to leave an impression or even be known to your neighbours.  It is, therefore, imperative to do well in life and not remain one in the crowd with no identity.   Mr Alexander stressed the need of strength of character.  He urged our youth to listen to Ted talks which can teach us a few things.  Touching upon the excessive attachment to social media he mentioned that during the last lent church had declared cyber fasting for the last week of lent.  I am sure most of us would find that very difficult or even impossible.  He also mentioned that Prayer can be an anchor and stabilising factor.  Pray when ever you can.   You need not fix a time or take out time for prayer.  It can be said everywhere any time.  It will make you feel good.   Have a grateful heart.  We have received many blessings but fail to feel grateful. 

Mr Alexander felt that the Church needs to train the youth in parenting. Our children brought up on nucleus families have not had any exposure to parenting.  They have not seen grand parents looking after smaller kids, they have not stayed with other families.  They have had no opportunity to learn from nature as a kid would have in the rural areas.  What is learnt is best unlearnt like what we have seen in the world wide web.  Most of it is unreal and even wrong. 

In today’s world everyone looks for ‘what is in it for me’ (wiiifm).  It is not understood or even ridiculous to do something without having or expecting something in return.  We are so engrained with selfishness that no one will appreciate if you do something gratis.  It is not done and many become suspicious.  So much so that people are trying to find a reason for Mother Teresa’s love for the poor.  I think that we Christians will have to have a lot of courage and conviction to do good and be noticed doing good.